Practical Life : Window Washing

Mya loves to help out. She is very good at putting her clean dishes from the dishwasher into her drawer, and can clean up her toys by herself (sometimes on her own, sometimes when prompted). She likes to help wipe up spills and will try to clean her own face and hands.

We recently tried window washing using our toddler cleaning tray, she loved it of course as it gave her a chance to play with water. According to Montessori, window washing prepares fine-motor muscles, is a sensorial excercise, as well as a practical life work.

Linking to Childhood 101

About sugarspicemom

I'm an art, music, nature, love, and Montessori inspired stay at home mommy to two beautiful girls. This blog shows our day to day activities and adventures in child-lead, play based learning. Follow me on pinterest -

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