Category Archives: Photography

Butterfly Gardens

A few weekends ago we made a day trip down island to beautiful Victoria. We decided to take Mya to Butterfly Gardens and it was ten times more enjoyable than imagined. She loved wandering the garden surrounded by fountains and exotic plans watching in awe as birds and butterflies swooped by us and giant Koi fish filled the ponds.

It was a peaceful and enjoyable experience for us all. Mya stared in wonderment at the flamingos, and gazed into the ponds for long periods of time at the large fish swimming by. We will surely be going again soon.

Busy busy busy and a baby!

I try to post twice weekly or at least once a week on my blog but lately I have been really struggling to find the time (and possibly the energy). I am currently 21 weeks along with our second baby and we found out yesterday we will be blessed yet again with a little girl! We are very excited! So bare with me as I try to find the time to blog and keep everything updated. Also, we are getting prepared to move into our first house so there is many things happening all at once but I will do my best! For now, here are some pictures from the past week or so…

OH! And I would also like to mention the blog name change. Sugar and Spice seemed appropriate seeing it will be a houseful of girls (and of course daddy). Enjoy your week everyone 🙂

This Moment: Morning visit from Great Grandma

{this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

Inspired by Soulemama

A walk in the park

I’m proud to announce that Mya is finally walking! It’s so great! I think she enjoys exploring her world in a slightly different manner now being upright. We took her to the park on Sunday, she wasn’t interested in anything but walking around and picking up leafs or pieces of bark on the way, and much to her delight, discovering puddles…

Paper Mama Photo Challenge

Me and Mamma

Check out Paper Mama and Join the Challenge!

You Capture Challenge : Faces

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.
-Dr Seuss-

Missing pieces

Its been 5 days.

I miss my guy, and Mya misses her daddy. Things just aren’t the same without him.
5 more to go…

“The beauty of romance isn’t in an elusive forever just as the beauty of humanity isn’t in an elusive heaven. It’s in the fact that right now, at this moment, it’s me and it’s him.”
avflox @ blogher

silent saturday


{this moment} – A Friday ritual. A single photo – no words – capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. – soulemama