Category Archives: Christmas

Our Christmas

We had a very wonderful Christmas this year, spent with family and friends. Despite the rush of it all, I thoroughly enjoyed watching Mya experience Christmas through the eyes of a toddler. I love to think of how the magic of Christmas will get more exciting every year for Mya now that she’s getting older.

This year, she still needed help opening most gifts and didn’t yet grasp the idea of Christmas, although she loved to point out “danta!!” (santa) in all the stores, books and TV commercials.

Of course our darling girl got spoiled, receiving many beautiful and thoughtful gifts. So much in fact, that I’m forced to go through her older toys and donate some just to gain some extra space in the house. And now, time for pictures!

Christmas Eve – Decoration Gingerbread, a new tradition.

Christmas morning: In the beginning, it was all a little overwhelming…

Soon, she got the hang of it all….

Cupcakes anyone?

We are looking forward to an amazing new year!

A happy and healthy 2011 to all!

Seasonal Display

A quick look at our December/Christmas seasonal display…

Stackable boxes with beads, ribbons, and cookie cutters in them.

Some favourite Christmas stories. We also have a few from the library.

Ornaments that Mya can play with or hang up on her tree.

Mya’s tree to decorate. This helps her to leave the real tree alone. She can hang her own ornaments and decorate with the coloured pom pom balls.

A spinning picture display. I filled it with Christmas cards and left one spot for her to display her colouring.

The Seasonal Display area 🙂

Merry Christmas 🙂

A Christmas Baking Tradition

Every year my Mom, Aunt, some friends and I get together to bake Christmas goodies in honor of my Grandma, who was a wonderful baker and loved Christmas. We play our favourite Christmas music (Boney M anyone??) and spend the day visiting and creating delicious treats like shortbread, tarts, brownies, sugar cookies, peanut butter marshmallow squares, ginger snaps and chocolate nutcho’s. Its a beautiful and fun tradition that I can’t wait for Mya to be able to help and understand how special the day is. Merry Christmas everyone, enjoy this wonderful time with your favourite people.

Wait, when did Christmas happen?

Merry Christmas! And I guess while I’m at it I might as well say Happy New Year too!

So the holidays FLEW by…We had so many people to visit and different places to go, it went by too fast. But I suppose that’s what it’s about isn’t it? Visting friends and family…It was nice to see everyone, but I do look forward to the days when our tiny family of three can wake up at home, and spend Christmas in a quieter and calmer manner. HA, good luck. Soon Mya will be old enough to realize what actually happens on the 25th of December and instead of having a few days of chaos we will have a month of it. I can’t wait 🙂 !!